Friday, April 15, 2011

See my artwork at Made In Oregon at Washington Square and...!!

What? You want to escape the rain and go to the mall this weekend?
OK - where shall we go. . .
I know - how about Washington Square!
Oh look - it's the Made in Oregon store.

Let's go in and see what they have. . .

Oh look - right at the front of the store. . .
What is all that bright, fun stuff?
Ooooh new products . . .let's take a look!

Are those Laurie Miller Designs?

Why yes! they are . . .

Thank you for letting me brag and wallow in happiness for just a moment!


  1. They look very at home there. It's a looonnnggg way from the beginning at the nursing home, huh? You have earned this!!! Love you, art sista/friend!

  2. So exciting! I just love your work! I have always had a passion for color even when it wasn't fashionable. All the best to you! Enjoy your well deserved bliss!!

    Hugs Giggles
