Monday, April 18, 2011

Life is a great Big canvas.. .

At Christmas, one of my closest friends gave me a shadowbox frame with a wonderful quote on the outside glass . . .
"Life is a great Big canvas - Throw all of the paint you can at it" by Danny Kaye.
This last week (yes I know that it is April and Christmas was 4 1/2 months ago) I finally put a piece of art in the frame. (How the piece of art came to be is a whole other story. :)
And here is how the finished piece looks . . .

This a great quote and I love the way the finished piece looks hanging on the wall.
It hangs right by the light switch so I see it each time that I enter and leave my studio.
But I'm not sure which I love more - the quote itself or the fact that Danny Kaye said it!
I love Danny Kaye - always have.
I remember the first movie I saw him in as a child - it was "Hans Christian Anderson" - a musical about how Hans Christian Anderson became a story teller and how he came to write the story of "The Red Shoes" (another favorite of mine!).
In this movie he is humble and sweet, patient and kind.
There is a genuine gentleness about him.
Later I saw him in other movies and who could forget him in "White Christmas".
As a teenager I was invited to a concert downtown of the symphony.
Danny Kaye was the guest conductor.
I have attended many, many, many concerts throughout my life.
As a teenager - I attended close to a hundred. Of course - when I was a teenager, the "expensive" concerts were $17.50 - alot different than the price of today's concert tickets.
I remember that concert with Danny Kaye as one of my favorites. Still is one of my favorites to this day.
He was talented, funny, quick and he just seemed so approachable.
I remember feeling like it was just me and a few friends sitting in somebody's living room with him.
Good memory.
I think Danny and I were friends in another life!

1 comment:

  1. As I read this post the music from Han Christian Anderson flowed through my mind. I loved it too! Lovely childhood memories of his movies! Great quote too! Very happy piece of art along with it! Thanks for sharing those great memories!! He always seemed like such a gentle soul!

    Hugs Giggles
