Thursday, November 3, 2011

WOW! How Long Has It Been?

Some new pieces created with reclaimed picture frames, paper, ink and acrylic paints. Measure at 11 X 17 each.

So you have your favorite blogs that you frequently visit.
You pop in every couple of days - and in some cases, every day.
And then - you notice there is not a new post.
You check in again - still no new post.
Days go by . . .weeks. . . a month . . .

Are you kidding me?
Do they not understand that this is important to you?

Ahem - yeah - it's been over a month for me.
I feels so guilty.
I figured no one would be visiting me since I haven't posted in so long - but it appears that people keep dropping by.
Which of course makes me feel even more guilty.

I knew that it had been a while since I had posted - but over a month???
 Good grief.
I promise - I will be more understanding of other bloggers in the future.

And if you look back over my "blogging history" - I think the same thing happened right about this time last year.
Obviously, this is a crazy time for me.
I found myself in a situation where I have not been able to keep all of the balls in the air.
Something had to give.
This and my Facebook and a few other "time sucks" like that were among the things that were neglected.

 And what has been keeping so busy?
Well . . .
my day job has ramped up to a whole new level and has been ridiculously busy - early mornings and late evenings;
we have picked up another wholesale customer and the wholesale accounts that we already have are ramping up for the holidays placing bigger than usual orders;
we had a great sale over in Sisters, Oregon the beginning of October;
it was a great sale - almost too great - it really wiped out our inventory;
we are frantically working to rebuild our inventory;
we are juggling family, business, work, and life in general;

it's a crazy ride - but well worth it.
and now we are preparing for the holidays! how did that happen?
but there is no denying it -
the seasons have changed, the rain is starting to move in, the chill is in the air
time has marched forward

oh - and one more thing that has been wonderful and taking up some of our time . . .
Meet Redford.

An amazing labradoodle that we found through a doggie foster family. He is about 5 years old and quite possibly the perfect dog.
Aside from the fact that we can't leave butter anywhere on the counter or leave the door to the cupboard where we store the garbage open or he thinks it is his personal buffet, he is extremely well behaved.
And then there are those EYES!
They look deep into your soul.
It feels so good to have a dog back in the house. We feel complete again.

Upcoming Events:

November 19th and 20th
Trinity Artisans in NW Portland

December 3rd and 4th
Art Over Macleay Park in NW Portland

December 12th and 13th
Salem Holiday Market
Oregon State Fairgrounds

More details on the above to come . . .

Now it is time to get back to work!

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