Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy New Year.

It's been feeling a bit stormy around here lately . . .figureatively and literally.
Our gray days are back and I don't like it.
The dark is moving in much earlier every evening . . .and I don't like it.
I needed an extra blanket the last few nights . . .and I don't like it.

But I am dancing in the rain as well -
We have some "deals" in the works that should be a wonderful step forward for the art business.
We have some wonderful art festivals coming up - in fact they are some of my favorites.
I have a long list of commission pieces I am working on and am feeling blessed by all of those.

My youngest daughter returned to high school this week and we all survived the first week back.
There was a moment of panic last night when I wasn't sure as she was stressing over a Spanish test that was being issued already. They had only been in school for 3 days and already a test. She was having a hard time.
But we danced through that storm and then laughed about it as we made up our own language.
I had a birthday and it brought up some of those feelings of anxiety that i tend to get around birthdays. You know the kind . . .am I doing enough with my life? have i been a good enough parent? Are my children on the right path?
But we danced through that storm over a lovely birthday dinner that they prepared for me and we laughed and listened to each other as we talked about the events of our days. And I was reassured.

So it is September - I have just had a birthday, it is the first quarter of the new "fiscal" year, and we are beginning to see the signs of a new season moving in. I've always found it interesting that we look at January as the "start" of the year, yet all of the beginnings seem to start in September. So this is the time of year when I like to think of goals. Besides - I'm always so tired in January that trying to come up with goals just seems like more work!
So I have a few ideas of things I would like to do this next year . . .

1. Go white water rafting.
2. Develop a regular yoga and meditation practice.
3. Go on regular dates with my children.
4. Create and build a catalog of my art work.
5. Find at least 5 retail locations to sell my work.
6. Get my Etsy store up and functioning.
7. Paint a piece for ME or my home at least once a month.
8. Plan a vacation.
9. Go to California to visit a gallery that has fascinated me for years.
10. Try to connect in person with some of the artist friends I have met online.
11. Ask more questions.
12. Tackle those tasks associated with my business that are kind of scary.
13. Try a new restaurant, coffee shop or cafe at least once a month.
14. Take an unmapped road trip.
15. Find my balance.
16. Participate in a class - even if it is just for a day - for fun!
17. Take more photos of my family.
18. Get the camera of my dreams.
19. Send more cards and letters rather than electronic notes. Everybody loves mail!
20. Spend as much time with my parents as possible.

How about you?  What do you want to do in the upcoming year? If you answer now - I promise not to ask this question again in January. So Happy New Year everyone!

PS - This weekend is the West Linn Arts Festival. Come out and see the artists, hear live music and enjoy the magic of handcrafted.


  1. Hi Laurie, I have just found your blog through Kelly and I love the vibrancy of colour you have in your artwork. It is so expressive.
    mmmm, what would I like in the upcoming year? for starters
    1. to spend more meaningful time with my family here and interstate.
    2. to be more consistent with my meditation practise.
    3. To do something creative everyday.
    4. To go back to writing in my gratitude journal every night
    5. To live life to the fullest and savour every single moment.

    thanks for the prompt, even though here in Australia our financial year starts july 1, september is spring and I am so looking forward to warmer weather

  2. found you through Kelli - she mentioned you on her blog. I love your art! Very happy. and I love your attitude too!

    So glad to have found you and looking forward to following.

