Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Chrissy

(Chrissy - blowing rose petals . . .)

January 28, 1992 was a day to remember . . .it was the day the Christina was born. Chrissy was her own person from the first moment she entered this world. I have incredibly fond memories of her. Things like . . .the way she would make up her own songs whenever we went for car drives; she would also make up games - unfortunately I always lost. Maybe that was because she was the only one who understood the rules. For years, we referred to "CST" which meant "Chrissy Standard Time". This was the way she lived her life - she did everything on her own schedule. She had a well-developed imagination. Most days, Chrissy was "replaced" with her alter ego - Skipper Tiger. She has always loved music. The first time I remember her making music on the piano was when she was about 3 years old. She would play a few notes - and then repeat them over and over. Her favorite "toy" was her daddy's mixing board. I have fond memories of her wearing head phones and creating all types of sounds. Chrissy was always comfortable with a pencil or crayons in her hands. She would write stories and create art and still does. She has her own sense of style. You cannot listen to her laugh and not join in with her. She loves animals - and animals love her. She has a beautiful singing voice.
Chrissy - the world as I know it, would be a very dull place without you in it. You have brought our family much joy and happiness. I love you. Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Miss Chrissy!
    The day you were born was a special day indeed!
